Pedal with or without resistance, that is the question!

Pedal with or without resistance, that is the question!

During your session, your coach will often tell you to crank it up. But is it necessary and how can you judge when you have enough resistance?

First, let’s make something clear: you always need to pedal with a bit of resistance. What do we mean by « a bit » ? You have to control the wheel. On our RealRyder bikes, the wheel is at the back and weighs 30kg, so that is 30kg pushing you forward. Without resistance, the power of the wheel might overtake you. Because you will try to slow the wheel down with the strength of your legs, it could lead to a knee injury. Needless to say it’s not recommended!

BUT: we all come to the studio for a different reason. Whether it is to have fun, to fill yourself up with positive energy for the day, to relax from the stress accumulated during the day or even to prepare yourself for a sport objective… every reason is different… The best thing you can do is to speak to your coach so that he can give you advise on what resistance level you should put to reach your goals depending on how many times you come per week to the studio.

ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING : a lot of girls think putting resistance will make their thighs bigger. Take a look at Sandrine’s thighs and you will know it’s not the case. She’s been pedaling every day for years now. To get big thighs, you need to practice with a completely different technique than ours and put a hell of lot of resistance!

So what are the the « pros » and the « cons » of both ways of riding:

Pedaling without resistance (still a bit as mentioned before)


  • You have fun
  • You improve your cardio
  • You get an energy boost!


  • It is harder to stay on the rhythm
  • You burn less calories
  • You can’t really differentiate a downhill from a sprint
  • The wheel is not going to get hot!

Pedaling with resistance:


  • You’re going to tone your muscles and you’ll see the results faster
  • You burn more calories
  • You’re going to let go
  • Your cardio and lungs capacity increase

Cons :

  • You’ll get tired a bit sooner during the sessions (but you will learn to recuperate faster)
  • You’ll sweat more (but that’s why we come right?)

Once again, this is YOUR RIDE and it is YOUR CHOICE. The coach is here to guide you and help you push beyond your limits. You are the only one who can decide with what level of resistance you want to ride, depending on your mood, your day’s energy or depending on the playlist!

Don’t hesitate to come and talk to us about it if you have question on the topic!


Our Indoor Cycling ‘Refer a friend’ program… #Spinbreaklove !

Our Indoor Cycling ‘Refer a friend’ program… #Spinbreaklove !

Here is everything you need to know about our Indoor Cycling referral program. Most of Spinbreak’s members came to spin with us for the first time because a friend suggested they try it out. We are so grateful for the support in building the Spinbreak community, and for sharing #Spinbreaklove, that we have created a referral program so that everyone can enjoy a few extra classes!
Here is how the program works: The following are free credits offered when a new member buys a pack for the first time:
  • 1 free credit for you for referring your friend if they buy the 3-class Welcome Pack
  • 2 free credits for each of you if they buy the 10-class Pack
  • 3 free credits for each of you if they buy the 20-class Pack
  • 4 free credits for each of you if they buy the 30-class Pack
*cannot be combined with other ongoing promotions.
• Are referral credits added automatically? No! This is why it is important for you to let us know about your referral (via email or at reception). • How long are these credits valid for? They last for 1 year. • Can I refer more than one person? Of course! As many as you want ! Riding with friends is even more fu, so don’t hesitate to invite away! • Can anyone refer? You just need to be an active member of Spinbreak- in other words: you should have an active credit on your account at the time of your referral.
Spinbreak’s: No To Plastics!

Spinbreak’s: No To Plastics!

To help promote our endeavours to reduce the use of plastics at the studio, we have replaced the plastic water bottles we offered with high quality, reusable (and very stylish!) aluminium ones.

With more than 20 classes a week, and more than 1 bottle of water offered during each session, it meant we were recycling a lot of plastic each week. Thats why we decided to provide these new aluminium ones to our members during each workout session.

If you prefer to have your own, they are for sale at the reception desk for €15- in a chic black or white colour combination.

Objective: Happiness! Step #1 : Wake up your endorphins!

Objective: Happiness! Step #1 : Wake up your endorphins!

Join our challenge to create “More Happiness in 2019!”

At the beginning of every year, we always gravitate towards making ‘resolutions’: either to give up bad habits, start new ones, improve others… We all hope that the New Year will be better and happier than the one that just finished.

But the truth is: it is up to US to make our own happiness. Its not something that will just come to us by chance.

It is something that we must decide on and commit to. In fact, it is the way we think and react that directly affects our level of happiness.

Instead of creating a list of ‘resolutions’ (which we will never stick to)- how about this year we simply commit to being happier?

Our objective at Spinbreak is your wellness. We always feel on top form after a session at the studio; so now we want to help you focus on feeling Happy.

For the rest of the month, we will be sharing habits that will help each of us become happier, more peaceful, and full of positive vibes.

The first good habit to create is simple: do sport 2 times a week.

Many studies have proven that doing sport increases the production of endorphins- also knows as happiness hormones. Sport also helps stimulate the production of others wellness hormones, such as dopamine.

Doing sport also makes us feel better about our body: we tone our muscles, our skin breathes better, we improve our complexion… Feeling good in your skin plays a big part in your general happiness.

So: join us this month, and for the rest of this year, for our challenge for “More Happiness in 2019!”

Spinbreak is our happy place. We hope it will become yours too.

For more on our series: “Objective: Happiness” visit the following links:

Objective: Happiness! Step #2 : Music!

Music has an immense power over our emotions : it reminds us of memories, it can make us laugh and cry…

When it comes to sport, it plays a very important role: it motivates us, and helps push us passed our limits to become HAPPY during our physical efforts.

How does music make us happy? It is simple! It creates waves of energy which releases endorphins in our brain.

On top of that, when we are in the spin room, we can sing to our hearts content ( even if we get it wrong, no one can hear us…so next time let go and enjoy it! )

The neuroscience behind music has shown us that when we sing, the neurotransmitters connect in a different way: the right part of our brain activates and starts emitting endorphins. Singing in a group dynamic amplifies this result, and as an added bonus helps us reduce anxiety and stress.

Yet another reason to let go and enjoy the benefits of both music and spinning!

So… Objective #2 : listen to music (turn the sound UP!), sing (loudly!) and enjoy the sport!!

For more information on the importance of music during a spinning session, read our blog post on how Sandrine puts together the amazing playlists we all enjoy so much!

For more on our series: “Objective: Happiness” visit the following links:
